Word and Power Intl

We are Jeremy and Tara Richardson. We have four beautiful children and and we are head over heals in love with Jesus!

Both of us grew up completely lost bound by drugs, alcohol and the things of this world. We both had radical encounters with Jesus Christ and the Fire of God branded our lives forever. Those moments Ignited a fire on the inside of us that we can not contain and have to share with the broken world around us.

We met the Lord in 2004 and 2005. We were then in ministry shortly after. We pastored for many years until we were launched out to light the fires of revival.

We are passionate about waking up the church to the end time revival and winning the lost at any cost. We were licensed under Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne from the River Church at Tampa Bay Florida.

The Lord told us years ago the people would leave our meetings saying "Surely God is real and we have encountered Him tonight" This has been our prayer and we have found that to be true.

We feel called to be a bridge between generations and denominations to unite as the beautiful spotless bride of Christ that Jesus is coming back for.

We come with the WORD and God demonstrates His POWER activating the Church to win the lost outside the four walls of the Church preparing for Jesus's soon return!

On October 29th we launch Power Chapel under the direction of the Lord. We have been commissioned to plant a flag in Tulsa, OK as we continue to hit the nations. We are an affiliated church of RMIMA.